
Governor Ralph Northam has proposed a 100% increase in the rate of taxation on premium cigars. Under his proposal, Governor Northam wants to increase the OTP tax rate from 10% to 20%.

Take action now, contact the Governor and your representatives in Richmond in opposition to this tax increase.

Here are 3 easy things to do:

  1. Sign the form right here
  2. Sign the petition
  3. Spread awareness on social media

Sign this next petition:

Take 5 seconds to sign this Petition!

Download these images

Share them with your friends on Twitter and Facebook. Use the Hashtag – #savemycigar

  • Tag the Governor –> IG @GovernorRalphNortham; Twitter @GovernorVA; Facebook @GovernorVA
  • Link to the CRA Petition: https://www.votervoice.net/CigarRights/campaigns/73289/respond
  • Link to the PCA Email Platform: https://oneclickpolitics.global.ssl.fastly.net/promo/2Cq